In the playful, small-scale sculptural works The Abduction/ I am beautiful/ Carnal Love/ The Cat selected consumer products are placed on a pedestal. The product packaging is adorned with a hand-sewn toupée or wig, manufactured with human hair. Similar to the prosthetic qualities of the toupée or wig, the products suggest a desired change of a physical state in order to obtain a well functioning, idealized body. The brand names and logos both carry a history that implies an imbalance of power and therefore value, in this case toothpaste with the brand name ‘Whitemen’ and ‘Darlie’ (previously named ‘Darkie’).
The assemblage is presented on a bright sheet of A4 plexi with the title of the work engraved, reflecting the products and its audience.
The title The Abduction/ I am beautiful/ Carnal Love/ The Cat quotes a variety of titles used for a sculptural assemblage by Rodin in which a man upholds a crouching woman as part of the Gates of hell.